No Excuses

For weeks, I meant to go to Lisbon. And now that the day had come, I was making excuses.

It was 07:30 already. I still had to shower. Wash my hair. Besides, Dylan seemed to need me more this morning. And G didn't sleep well. The plants needed watering. The laundry needed folding. I hadn't written this letter yet. And did I really want to go? Maybe what I needed was just a short beach walk.

And then, I had my breakfast. Showered. Took out the mascara. Threw an iPad and breast pump in my bag. And I called a cab while kissing G and Dylan goodbye.

I want to think I never made excuses for not doing things. And I certainly don't want to start now that I'm a parent.

Hi, All! How are you? ☀️ The three of us are settling well on Portugal's coast. We found a place at the seaside where we now spend stretches on the terrace doing nothing more than watching the surf. We picked up skateboarding again. And Dylan goes to a forest school in the mornings and spends his afternoons at the beach. I try to remind us that this was once the dream.


Index fund investing, PJs, parenting books, a 4000-kilometer road trip, raw everything, the no-tipping experiment, and a few more 2022 favorites.


I officially migrated my blog from WordPress to Next.js (code is open source). In the process, I learned about writing scripts, Node's File System module, and Abstract Syntax Trees. Then, I went overboard and used the same script to import all my content from The Spin-Off Project. That still needs some work, but I'm excited to own all my content. You can find my posts and letters on the new site.

Quote I'm Pondering

"We have such a long way to go", sighed the boy
"Yes, but look how far we've come", said the horse ― Charlie Mackesy, The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse

With sand everywhere,
And love,